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USS Liris: A simple delivery of medical supplies

Sh'ill is sent on a mission to deliver some medical supplies, and he will encounter some surprises while traversing the nebula

Mission Description

The USS Liris goes on it’s first mission, which should be quite simple. As the ship, along with it’s commanding officer, Ensign Sh’ill, traverse the Prancis nebula, they uncover some secrets hidden deep within the nebula.

About the Mission

USS Liris
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12 August 2022

Epilgoue to a simple delivery

USS Liris: A simple delivery of medical supplies

As Sh’ill carefully docked the Liris to the orbital base, even though he should have made the computer do that, he wondered to himself if the people aboard the station would understand and believe what had just happened to him in the nebula. He docked the small ship, and walked over to the MSD [...]

9 August 2022

Free of the nebula

USS Liris: A simple delivery of medical supplies

As Sh’ill pressed the button on his LCARS console, the phasers fired a wide burst and the ships around him slowly started disappearing. One by one, they were gunned down, and their holographic selves disappeared until only one remained, it alone looking a lot less threatening. “Now let’s see [...]

19 April 2022


USS Liris: A simple delivery of medical supplies

Blip. Blip. Blip. “What the hell is that? Computer, analyze.” “Holometric particles, approaching from all directions.” Sh’ill slowed the Liris down to a halt. Suddenly, 20 ships encircled the Liris from all directions. His ship’s bridge suddenly flooded with the message: “We are the [...]

18 April 2022

Prologue of a simple mission

USS Liris: A simple delivery of medical supplies

“Commanding officer’s log, USS Liris. As of today, I assume command of this ship. On a personal note, I am quite thankful to the fleet staff for granting me this ship. As such, I have been assigned delivery of some medical supplies from Starbase 86 to the colony on Aldebaron III. Though I [...]