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USS Minerva: The Happy Wanderer

The routine gets wierd

Mission Description

The USS Minerva crew discovers that routine buoy repair is anything but..

About the Mission

In Progress
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Start Date

31 January 2022

The Threat of Enforced Fun

USS Minerva: The Happy Wanderer

Meanwhile, on the bridge Crewman Fuentes adjusted his silver earpiece, he was receiving news. Warren recognised that expression from being in Fuentes’ position.. let’s see, 15 years ago. Wow! Had it really been that long ago? It didn’t seem like it. “Captain, sickbay reports [...]

31 January 2022


USS Minerva: The Happy Wanderer

Claudia returned to her quarters after a long day. The minute she walked through the door she stripped off her crimson uniform jacket and tossed it over the seat back of the chair sitting in front of her desk. She dropped tiredly into the love seat sitting across from the desk. It was there she [...]

31 January 2022

Mysterious Stowaway

USS Minerva: The Happy Wanderer

Falkenberg and al Rashid studied the mysterious object protruding from the Federation navigational beacon. It’s surface was distressed, marked with scratches and small divots, like it had been pelted with cosmic dust for millennia. As the two Starfleet officers peered at the probe, they did [...]

31 January 2022

Beacon Ahoy

USS Minerva: The Happy Wanderer

All nonessential personnel clear the deck! Retrieval crew to standby! Tractor beam engaged!” The shuttlebay officer’s voice reverberated throughout the cavernous facility. Crewmen rushed across the broad tarmac and the radsuit-clad retrieval team busied themselves checking their [...]