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Part of Bravo Fleet: Phase 1: Omega

USS Argonaut: These Were The Voyages

A collection of stories told throughout the Fleet Action "Echoes of the Tkon"

Mission Description

A collection of stories told throughout the Fleet Action “Echoes of the Tkon” spanning multiple years as needed to tell the story of the USS Argonaut and her crew’s involvement.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

24 July 2021

Caught in the Dark

USS Argonaut: These Were The Voyages

[Captain Bastin’s Quarters, USS Argonaut] [2399] Captain Jonathan Bastin woke with a start as his nearby desk console began to warble loudly with an incoming communication. Bastin pushed himself to a sitting position, which soon followed a rather stumbling journey around the desk that finally [...]

24 July 2021

Assumption of Command; The Omega Conundrum

USS Argonaut: These Were The Voyages

[Executive Suite, Starbase 60] [Early 2394] Commander Jonathan Bastin stepped into the antechamber of the Executive Suite that separated the corridor with the office of the individual Cmdr. Bastin was scheduled to meet. The Commander was rather nervous, since it was supposed to be a briefing that [...]