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USS Nova: Starbase 72

Vex arrives aboard Starbase 72 and begins his work as an archaeologist and xenoanthropologist

Mission Description

Yanrel Vex has returned to Starbase 72 following his time aboard the USS Sirona to pursue his career in xenoanthropology and archaeology with the station’s science and research department. This mission follows Vex’s adventures aboard and beyond the Starbase, and his research and potential breakthroughs as a scientist.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

22 July 2021


USS Nova: Starbase 72

Personal Log, Stardate 75473.4 Command Yanrel Vex reporting. Yes, that is correct. Commander Vex is how I am now to be addressed, it would appear. I had scarcely been 3 days aboard Starbase 72 when I received a call to meet with Commodore Jalian at the Arboretum of all places. Seldom does the [...]

22 July 2021

Arriving at the Station

USS Nova: Starbase 72

Personal log, Stardate 75462.3 Lieutenant Commander Yanrel Vex reporting I had seen a Spacedock-class starbase twice before. Viba had the pleasure of seeing one of the first ones completed in its orbit around Earth many decades ago, and I myself had seen just how grand and enormous it had become, [...]

22 July 2021

Returning to the Station

USS Nova: Starbase 72

Chief Operations Officer’s Log, Stardate 75439.7 Lieutenant Command Yanrel Vex reporting. It appears at last long my time aboard the Sirona has come to an end. I will not modestly make light of the work we have done and the things we have accomplished with this vessel underfoot. Many lives were [...]