Part of USS Dragonfly: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

USS Dragonfly: Mission 1 – From Mackenzie to Dragonfly

The crew of the Mackenzie is moved to the larger Obena Class Dragonfly and must grapple with a new ship and a continuing mission.

Mission Description

Transitioning from Mackenzie to Dragonfly creates conflict and challenges for the crew as they move into new spaces while also returning to their mission of helping colonies in the demilitarized zone.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

5 June 2024

FMTD 004– Vanishing Act

USS Dragonfly: Mission 1 - From Mackenzie to Dragonfly

“That’s impossible.”  Commander Park turned in the command chair to face the Science Chief, Commander Thasaz.  “We had multiple eyes on her and her fleet.”  She stood and walked to the science station, “I know I sound a little upset, but…well, we had her.” Thasaz [...]

4 June 2024

FMTD 003 – The Why and the What

USS Dragonfly: Mission 1 - From Mackenzie to Dragonfly

“I’m going to miss that Latinum.”  The Romulan Syndicate captain lay on the ground of transporter room one, being tended to by Doctor Longfellow.  Captain Walton stood, arm crossed.  They’d managed almost to disable the lead ship before most of the crew had transported off to [...]

3 June 2024

FMTD 002 - Jumbled and Trouble

USS Dragonfly: Mission 1 - From Mackenzie to Dragonfly

“This all seems to be moving fast, Captain.”  All of a lieutenant junior grade, Calvert Rogers sat across the table from Wren Walton.  “I’ve been in Starfleet for just over a year…being interviewed for a department head position feels accelerated.” She readily agreed, [...]

2 June 2024

FMTD 001 - The New and The Old

USS Dragonfly: Mission 1 - From Mackenzie to Dragonfly

“How many?” Captain Walton stood at the head of the briefing room table as her new command, Dragonfly, flew back to their original operating area at maximum warp.  The XO, Commander Park, sat working on an array of PADDs on the table. “The Mack had 500 crew, the Fly has 820 to 850 [...]