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Join Bravo Fleet

Contact the Communications Office for any questions or help registering your account.

Your Account

Your Bravo Fleet Management System (BFMS) account is your gateway to all of our activities. You'll use this account to participate in competitions, write new stories, and create new characters.

Your Character

This will be your "main" avatar character who will be starting off as a cadet and working their way up the ranks to a command of their own. Don't worry about making the character perfect; they'll evolve and learn as you do!

Brief description of your character. Max Length: 800 characters.

The Federation is filled with diverse species from all over the galaxy. Select one of the following species for your primary character.

Our Rules & Your Rights

Every member of Bravo Fleet must read and understand our rules before creating an account. As a member, you are afforded certain rights and are protected by our judicial system.

I have read and understand my rights under the Bravo Fleet Charter.

I have read and agree to follow the Bravo Fleet Judicial Code.

I have read and agree to Bravo Fleet's Legal Policy and Privacy Policy.

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