It is with great pleasure that I announce a revamp of the Hall of Honour! We’ve added new awards, restored a few old awards, and setup a brand new system for competitions. Our goal is to recognize the efforts of individuals in their writing and dedication to the community.
Some highlights of awards we’ve added:
The other change to the Hall of Honour is the addition of fleet-wide competitions. Competition prompts can range from graphics (avatars, mission banners, etc) and writing (short stories, sim posts, etc) to community activities (trivia, gaming, etc). Any player can submit a proposal for a competition using this form: If the HoH approves your proposal, they’ll contact you before announcing it to the fleet. Members who submit a proposal will judge entries and select finalists (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place). Competitions may be held on Discord, through form submissions, or even on a gaming platform.
If you have any questions about our new awards or HoH competitions, feel free to contact me (@Emily#6153) or Zyrell (@Zyrell#6273) on Discord or via email ( We’re still expanding our list of awards and the functions of the HoH, so if you’d like to be involved, feel free to contact us!