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The Engineering Office did some baking over the holidays. Last month, we updated how gaming works in BFMS v3.3, and today, we are pleased to announce...
Dear Bravo Fleet, I’m thrilled to announce that this round brought an abundance of applicants, resulting in some fantastic changes and new...
Fiction Writing
Write in our epic fleet storylines as the captain of your own starship.
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Compete with other members in writing, graphics, gaming, and puzzle events.
Join fellow gamers in our Star Trek Online and World of Warships fleets.
Roleplaying Games
Join a crew and help write their next chapter together.
Writing Sandboxes
Write with the rest of the fleet in one of our collaborative writing sandboxes, open to all members!
Task Force 17
Deep Space Operations
Task Force 21
Frontier Operations
Task Force 47
Pathfinding Operations
Task Force 72
Diplomatic Operations
Task Force 86
Border Operations
Task Force 93
Humanitarian Operations
Read the latest announcements from our staff about upcoming events, updates on our community, and more!
2024 Medals of Commendation
Greetings Bravo Fleet! I come to you once more on this date, August 19, to honour the members of our community and the contributions they’ve made to their task forces and the wider Bravo Fleet over the past 12 months. Why August 19? It’s quite simple; Gene Roddenberry was born on August 19, 1921 and […]
Office of the Chief of Staff
Maxwell Stafford
Operations Office Report #1 – Updates, New TF47CO, and TFXOs Wanted
Hello, Bravo Fleet. As evident by the recent announcement, quite a bit has changed recently. If you missed it, you can check it out here. First, I would like to thank Fleet Admiral Luke Duncan (MJ) for all his hard work and dedication as Bravo Fleet Operations Officer and wish him the best in his […]
Operations Office
Imya Jori
OCS Recruitment
Greetings Bravo Fleet! The Office of the Chief of Staff is the department with the most extensive reach across all the activities offered by Bravo Fleet. Regulating competitions, checking and processing the auto-generated activity ribbons, and reviewing merit award and promotion nominations are just some of the daily tasks undertaken by OCS staff. For the […]
Labyrinth: Phase 3 Storyline Released
‘Your concern is touching, Captain.’ Gul Iset could not have sounded more insincere if she wanted to, and Hargreaves knew he had entered into a rather pathetic theatre. There they were, deep in the furthest reaches of former Star Empire territory, aware of the dangers surrounding them – but her ship was considerably more impressive […]
Intelligence Office
Alexander Beckett
Labyrinth: Phase 2 Storyline Released
The first week of Labyrinth is over! Already we’ve seen a staggering 200,000 words penned for the 2024 Fleet Action in a mere 10 days. That’s incredible, and I’m so delighted to see all of the stories you’re coming up with as the chaos of Underspace is felt rippling across the galaxy. But chaos only lasts for so […]
Labyrinth Briefing Release
On June 14, the next Fleet Action, Labyrinth, begins. One week out, the Intelligence Office is pleased to release the lore and mission briefing for the first of the three phases for the writing campaign that will accompany the event. Through this mission, captains of the Fourth Fleet will be the first to encounter and respond to the […]
Logistics Office Report #2 — Staff Appointments
You’re probably tired of announcements today, but I have one last note from the logistics office itself about staffing. During our application process looking for staff members, I received a truly astounding nine applications, which shows how eager people are to dig into the new system. Frankly, the logistics office doesn’t need nine staff members […]
Logistics Office
Liam Dahlgren
Engineering Office Report #4 – v3.1.0 Release (Fleet Assets) and Deputy Engineering Officer
In the first quarter of 2024, the Engineering Office delivered three BFMS releases focused on quality-of-life improvements for existing systems, but today, I am proud to announce the release of BFMS v3.1, which introduces Fleet Assets, a completely new system within Bravo Fleet! Based on an idea borne over a decade ago, and built around […]
Engineering Office
James Neidlinger
Fleet Command Report #99 — Fleet Assets is Live!
At long last, Fleet Assets is here! As of this announcement, everyone should have access to the Fleet Assets system and the ability to buy, sell, and trade their Commands as they see fit dependent on their available prestige. To get a full rundown of the Fleet Assets system, please feel free to read the […]
Fleet CommandLogistics Office
Teylas Ramar
Academy Report #6
It’s been over two months since Varen Wyll stepped into the role of Academy Staff Assistant. Wyll has immediately brought new energy and ideas into the support we offer to new members who pass through Bravo Fleet Academy and the Starbase Bravo sandbox. Based on the insightful instruction so far and a plethora of new […]
Andreus Kohl
‘Captain. Captain!’ Consciousness came swimming back, and with it a thudding pain in his temples. Kehinde Hargreaves groaned in what he knew was a most un-captainly manner as he sat up. Commander Vorin was kneeling beside him, his XO’s eyes narrowed with more concern than she would normally show. ‘Present,’ he groaned. ‘What’s […]
Logistics Office Report #1 – Staff Applications
We’re so close to deploying the long-anticipated Fleet Assets system, thanks to the hard work of our Engineering Office. Beyond the technical aspects, the BFSS have been working for over a year on fine-tuning the policies that will bring this new system into operation. For the time being, Vince has appointed me as the inaugural […]