Check out our latest Fleet Action!


Winter 2024 Communications Office Update

February 5, 2024

As the various command offices of the fleet work on enhancing the BFMS, crafting the next fleet-wide campaign, or launching a new way to engage with each other, I think we can all see that Bravo Fleet is running on all thrusters. And as we get excited about what’s to come, we continue to welcome new members to the fold. Over 2024, you can expect to see the Comms Office launch several advertisements on social media and reddit to get the word out about what’s going on in Bravo Fleet. These paid ads are fueled in part by the contributions that members make freely to support the fleet financially.

You are always welcome to consider becoming a Latinum Supporter by donating to the fleet at These funds not only contribute to advertise the Fleet, but also to help with server costs and infrastructure.

Here’s a taste of some of the ads coming to a social media site or subreddit near you!

Be sure you are following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X!



Big thank you to everyone who participated in all the various competitions during our Fleet Action: We are the Borg! As it has become tradition, the comms office like to show you the submissions to the graphical comps that placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd! Enjoy!

We Are the Borg: XKBF Comic

We Are the Borg: Technological Distinctiveness

[WATB Phase 1]: Memes are Irrelevant

[WATB Phase 3]: On Screen

CONGRATULATIONS to the winners!



Finally, the Comms office is looking for some new staff members to assist us mainly in managing our social media accounts. Thanks goes to our longest serving Staff Assistant for Social Media, Reva Sarrik! However, many hands make light work! So, we are looking for some additional staff members who can help us in the comms office.

You should see over the next month that we are trying to be active and posting on our accounts multiple times a week with varying content. So, if you’re interested in helping us create the images to post, or do help schedule and organize the posts on our various platforms, please consider applying to the Communications Office as it’s next staff member!

Click here to apply today!


In the meantime, keep your ears peeled for what’s next!