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Verdict in Case JAG-006: Bravo Fleet v. Vausees Vax

December 7, 2023

Members of the Bravo Fleet,

The Bravo Fleet Judge Advocate General’s Office has convened and issued a verdict in the pending case of Bravo Fleet v. Vausees Vax (aka VividShado). Following an investigation, Vausees Vax was charged with one count of Plagiarism and One count of Cheating and Exploitation.

The detailed Verdict and Judge’s Opinion for the case can be found linked below.

The verdict was as follows:

Case JAG-006 – Bravo Fleet v. Vausees Vax

One Count of Plagiarism: GUILTY
One Count of Cheating and Exploitation: GUILTY


  • DEMOTION one rank grade to the rank of Commander
  • GENERAL PROBATION of 12 months
  • LETTER OF REPRIMAND permanently applied to the member’s dossier;

Signed and sealed in Justice,