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TF86 May Competitions

May 24, 2021


Hello Fleet! What better way to kick start your week than getting involved with some more competitions? The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed them pop up over the weekend, and they will be running until midnight on 30 May, 2021 (Saturday).  Our challenges this month are all based on goings on in and around our area of operations in the Triangle, Azure Nebula and beyond. Give them a go if you think you’ve got what it takes to face cosmic phenomena and dangerous outlaws!


Wormhole Traveller 

TF86 Command has made contact with Bliblob, an extra-dimensional being from antigravitic space. Bliblob is confused by this dimension’s Newtonian laws of gravity and direction, and is taking refuge inside the Azure Nebula. He must find the wormholes in the nebula to return to his own dimension.


Whack a Pirate

Pirates keep popping up in Federation space. Whack ’em back into the Triangle with your mallet of speedy justice!


Memory Game

See how many places and factions from our neck of the woods you can recognise in the memory game!


Good luck to all brave participants who dare to brave the challenges of the Triangle. Further threats will no doubt soon emerge from this lawless, villainous realm!