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Task Force 72 Change of Command

April 5, 2021

As much as we’d all like to be able to devote one-hundred percent of our time to Bravo Fleet (and/or just live entirely in the Star Trek universe itself!), we’re all Humans with real lives, at least that’s what our ReCaptcha system promises us. Mark, who has served as Task Force 72 Commanding Officer so well for the past several months, is stepping down from his position to focus on an exciting new real-life opportunity that’s letting him travel across the world, and both wish him luck in this new endeavor and thank him for his service to the fleet.

I am pleased to announce that Vince has appointed me to serve in the role of Task Force 72 Commanding Officer as Mark’s replacement while continuing as Bravo Fleet Operations Officer. I can’t say that this is without a certain amount of personal satisfaction, as I also served as Task Force 72 Executive Officer back in 2007 or so and the Farragut in TF72 was the first game I applied to join in 2004, so it’s nice to be home!

I’ll have more for you in my first monthly report, which will occur in a few weeks after a few TF72-hosted competitions, but until then, feel free to contact me on Discord with any questions related to Task Force 72 or Operations in general.