The BFA is pleased to announce that our report for the First Quarter of 2018 is now complete. This report covers January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 and it summarizes changes and updates that have occurred throughout the fleet during that time, as well as outlines a few upcoming initiatives.
Here’s a brief overview of the report:
The first quarter of 2018 saw continued growth and additional changes for Bravo Fleet.
For the quarter, Bravo Fleet grew from 67 to 72 sims, a total increase of 7%. Additionally, Fleet chat usage increased to 240 participants (11% increase), and over 708 characters have now been added to BFMS (17% increase).
On the whole, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty is pleased with the progress made both this quarter. Presented at the end of this document is a forward outlook section which will detail plans for the upcoming quarter as Bravo Fleet continues to develop and expand.
The full report can be accessed here:…8Q1-Report.pdf