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State of the Fleet – 2017Q3 Report

October 30, 2017

The BFA is pleased to announce that our Report for the Third Quarter of 2017 is complete. This report covers events in the fleet from July 1, 2017 to September 30, 2017 and summarizes changes that have occurred in the Fleet during that time.

Here is a brief overview of the report:

The third quarter of 2017 saw continued growth and additional changes for Bravo Fleet.

Following the governance and policy changes implemented in the first half of the year, Bravo Fleet has continued fine-tuning its rules and processes. In addition, the Discord channel continues to be popular with the community.

The number of sims available to our community increased by 14%. Additionally, Fleet chat usage increased to 188 participants (22% increase), and over 527 characters have now been added to BFMS (23% increase). 

On the whole, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty is pleased with the progress made this quarter. Presented at the end of this document is a forward outlook section which will detail plans for the upcoming quarter to address several areas of continued concern.

The full report can be accessed here.