Hello Bravo Fleet!
It’s been a while since the Science Office was established, and it’s past time for some introductions, both to myself, if you don’t already know who I am, and to the Science Office itself.
Starting with myself, I’m commonly known around the web as McGig. I’ve been involved with Bravo Fleet now for four and a half years and in that time been in a few positions around the place. But the one almost everyone would have seen is that of the self-titled Wiki-goblin, the one helping to wrangle a bit of uniformity and order to the layouts of various pages across the Bravo Fleet wiki.
Which helps to bring us around to introducing the Science Office and what it does within Bravo Fleet. The Science Office serves as the group’s record keeper – responsible for maintaining the wiki and the map as resources for everyone to use, be that in providing access when required, guidance when asked for, or updating for users when needed.
While the explanation seems nice and quick, the reality is naturally a bit more complex.
There is a bit of a backlog on articles regarding the fleet’s history that need updating in the near future, mainly that of past Fleet Actions and Campaigns. And a process for documenting future events as well is being worked on, which I’m hoping to share in the next few months with everyone, if not sooner!
Science Office policy and guides
As with all the other departments within Bravo Fleet, the Science Office does have a policy and guide, found with all the other Bravo Fleet Policies.
I do want to just give a friendly reminder of the Science Office Policy, section 2.8 – articles written for the wiki should be in the form of an In Character historical document, especially command pages. These are historical documents regarding the commands within Bravo Fleet, there to preserve records for all of our members.
Wiki Templates
For those of you with commands before the Logistics Office came into being, you’ll have had your command’s wiki pages created either by yourself or by someone from the Intelligence Office. Since then there have been a few changes to some of the infobox templates, mostly behind the scenes and just to make things prettier. But there have been some additions to fields in the infoboxes and it might be worth taking a look at your command pages folks and the templates used in case there’s a field supported now that you don’t have.
Both of these templates are the ones most members will have use of on the wiki and I hope the explanation and demonstrations on the pages are helpful in understanding them. But they aren’t the only infobox templates we have! There’s a full list of them here.
Wiki Accounts
If you’ve got a command on BFMS and want to go about updating the wiki page for your command, you’ll need an account for the wiki. User account creation is now a part of the Science Office and I’m always happy to help out in that regard.
Just hit me up on Discord with a request and provide me the following three things:
- User name you’d like on the wiki
- Email address
- BFMS User ID number
I’ll get to your requests as soon as I can and once done let you know. Welcome emails to the wiki should arrive shortly after I’ve done them, but might get intercepted by spam filters, so check those junk folders if you haven’t seen the email after I’ve said it’s done.
In conclusion
I want to thank everyone for helping to make the wiki the awesome resource that it is for old and new members alike. Be it from the Logistics Office folks on creating new command pages when they approve purchases, to members filling them with such awesome content and providing fascinating lore on the commands of Bravo Fleet. The more you use the wiki, the more you contribute, the more we all get out of it.
If anyone ever has any questions about the wiki, from simple formatting to why templates are behaving the way they do, please hit me up on Discord. Here to help, happy to help!