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Return of Relay Station Bravo

April 10, 2020

I am happy to announce the return of our very own Bravo Fleet forums, the Relay Station Bravo!

RSB was shut down in the last year due to lack of use. Members had understandably moved on to the easier communication of Discord, and it was the judgement of the BFA that the forums were not a useful part of the community any more. While this was a shame, as the forums have been a major part of Bravo Fleet’s community for almost 20 years, it was the right decision.

So why bring it back? Because the new RSB has a slightly different purpose. While we are not curbing their use as a discussion board, we will grow those sections of the forums in line only with demand. The new RSB’s primary purpose will be for the archiving, viewing, and collaboration of fiction and role-play. Forums remain a great medium for people to write back and forth and put the results in a place where it’s easy to find and easy to read.

We will see the first example of this in the upcoming Osiris Initiative RP event, which will be held entirely on Relay Station Bravo. With the new model, the forums will see an expansion in this use as they become a place where members of Bravo Fleet can publish and share their writing. We hope this will be found particularly useful members who choose to write their own narratives with their characters and ships rather than join sims.

Please note – you don’t even need to register for RSB! Please use your BFMS login details to login to the forum.

I look forward to seeing you there!