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Procedural Updates

August 7, 2017

As announced in the Q2 report, and as part of the Bravo Fleet Admiralty’s efforts to continue to grow and develop the fine simming community, we have continued our updates on our procedural documents.

Article IV of our Constitution, relating to the Structure of the Fleet, has been updated to reflect our efforts to revise the Constitution into a solid structure. Items pertaining to day-to-day operations have been shifted over to the bylaws. This includes how our Fleet Timeline operates, as well as sim rating changes.

All in all, there will be no effect in gameplay. The full text for Article IV can be read here in our Constitution, as well as the bylaw changes for the Timeline and Simm Ratings.

Speaking of the fleet timeline, a comprehensive timeline has been assembled by the BFA and Infobase team! This is now available on our Infobase for quick and easy reference! We hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it together for our community.