Operations Office Report #2 – Staff Updates and More

September 1, 2024

Hello Bravo Fleet,

The Operations Office has some updates to our staff that we would like to share, but first, we would like to thank all those who applied for the open Task Force Executive Officer positions.

Task Force 17 Staff Changes

Commander Aaslin Braim, known as Annex, has spent the last three months as Task Force 17 Executive Officer. He worked hard alongside Hurkx, encouraging members to get involved in activities, including the recent Fleet Action, which TF17 dominated. With the recent launch of Task Force 21, Annex has moved over to help build the new task force.

Brian, aka Fleet Captain Th’lora Vehl, will succeed Annex. Brian has held numerous other staff roles, including Deputy Chief of Staff, for a short time before moving to the Operations Office, where he became Task Force 72 Executive Officer and then Task Force Commanding Officer, which he held for a year and a half. 

Welcome back to Bravo Fleet Command. I wish him well as he settles into his new role with Hurkx and the rest of TF17!

Task Force 47 Staff Changes

Since Captain Varen Wyll’s promotion to Task Force 47 Commanding Officer has left the position of Task Force Executive Officer open. I am pleased to announce that Commander Cole Shepard will join Task Force 47 as its new Executive Officer. Cole previously held the position of Task Force 93 Executive Officer for a short time.

I am excited to see Cole return to Task Force Senior Staff and Bravo Fleet Command and can’t wait to see TF47 flourish under Grey and Cole’s leadership.

Task Force 93 Staff Changes

First, I would like to thank Fleet Captain Brodie Lewis, also known as Darth on Discord, for his dedication to Task Force 93 as its Executive Officer over the past six months. Darth has decided to move to the Chief of Staff Office as a Staff Assistant, and I wish him all the best in his new position.

I am excited to announce that Lieutenant Commander Nitus will become Task Force 93’s new Executive Officer. I am looking forward to working with Nitus as he settles into his new role and the rest of TF93!

The Return of Task Group Commanding Officers

Another feature we’re looking to revisit from the Operations standpoint is Task Group Commanding Officers. TGCOs have a long, storied history in Bravo Fleet through both the old era and the new. In the new era, TGCOs were initially mini-TFCOs. Nothing more, nothing less. This did lead to various issues and teething problems, so it was decided a few years ago to sunset the TGCO positions. So what is making us revisit this position now, years later? 

One of the things we’ve been looking at in Operations is accessibility to staff for those who want it and the gradation of leadership in Operations. Through conversations with the current Operations staff, one thing that became apparent was that while the step from TFXO to TFCO was gradational and natural, the step from being a regular non-staff member to a TFXO could be a massive shock to the system. This is where the Task Group Commanding Officer position comes in. We want to reintroduce it as a stepping stone to TFXO for members who might be interested in moving up but aren’t sure. A TGCO could sit in the staff discussions, see “how the sausage is made”, interact and ask questions, learn, and then decide if they want to continue to move up. Sit, listen, learn. When some time has passed, small tasks can be passed on from the TFCO and TFXO to the TGCO to complete. A promotion here, an award nomination there, a wiki update when needed. 

To start, we only want to open one TGCO position per Task Force for now as we pilot this program for sustained longevity. With the other Task Group being led by the sitting TFXO. If this TGCO position is something you think you’d be interested in to learn more about how Bravo Fleet functions and to see if further moving up down the road might be for you, please reach out to your TFCOs and discuss it with them. They’ll be eager to hear from you and we are all always looking to teach people all about Bravo Fleet.