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One More For The Class Roster

March 8, 2024

Incoming hail from the Academy and it’s not a pop quiz!

I am excited to announce that Commander Varen Wyll, aka greyimage on Discord, has joined Bravo Fleet Academy as a Staff Assistant. Innumerable cadets will soon benefit from Varen’s wise instruction, let alone the boundless enthusiasm for expanding the scope of Academy programs available.

Upon joining the Academy, Varen had this to offer:

Hello wonderful people of Bravo Fleet! I was asked for a little blurb so here is the elevator pitch! I’ve been a member of Bravo Fleet for a few days shy of 2 years (cakes in all forms are welcome on the 14th March), joining just as the Sundered Wings Fleet Action was taking place. I was amazed by a community of like minded individuals who were not only were the authors of a rich universe but also its curators and editors.


Since setting out on my little Raven-class I’ve been a TFXO for two different task forces and am currently the Game Master for USS Pioneer (Bravo’s first live play RPG). I am continually impressed and inspired by the quality and variety of creative fictions produced by our members. It is this that has drawn me to offer my support to our beloved Academy and the amazing work of Brendan and team.


Though by night I am a starship captain (and possibly Batman) by day I am a Dramaturge and Script editor helping playwrights, poets and artists create their work; I hope to bring these skills to you as fleet members and support you in the discovery of your universe, your journey and your story. I look forward to joining you as we travel to the next strange new world.

Please join me in welcoming Varen Wyll to Bravo Fleet Academy!