New Academy Program: Competition Leadership Program

September 14, 2024

The Academy Commandant role has offered me as much learning and development as Bravo Fleet Academy offers to all of our members. Since I stepped into the role over a year ago, I’ve honed my proficiency as an instructor, trained new academy staff, and refined the purpose of Starbase Bravo as the first writing sandbox where many of our new members land. Our members have shown a hunger for learning by way of the many badges you’ve all earned in that time.

Through it all, I’ve also been reaching for a further star: developing a new program to bring our offering to the originally intended six programs.

That’s why I’m incredibly proud to announce a new academy program is now available for enrollment: the Competition Leadership Program (CLP).

If you’ve experienced a Fleet Action, then I’m sure you’ve already entered a competition or seven. This program will equip you with the knowledge and skills to create a competition for other members to enjoy. By enrolling in this program, you’ll gain insights into the Office of the Chief of Staff, learn how to navigate competitions in BFMS, discover best practices, and explore a variety of sample competitions to inspire your own creations.

As always, our goal is for these programs to be meaningfully tied to the activities our members enjoy. Participants will complete a quiz on the mechanics of competition creation, write a couple of competitions for themselves, and receive academy instructor feedback on how likely that competition is to attract the masses. To complete the program and win the purple badge, all participants will socialise a new competition, create a competition in BFMS, and when all is said and done, they will judge the competition and award its winners with medals.

To enrol in CLP, visit today! As always, the academy team is happy to answer questions in the #academy-help channel on the discord, and students are encouraged to discuss what competitions are the most popular in the #academy-workshop channel.