This is a short update with just three announcements:
I’m pleased to announce that Craig, aka Thrace, has joined the Operations Department as our very first Deputy Operations Officer. While the Operations Department has a relatively small staff, we interface directly with the staff of all four task forces, handle RPGs, mentor new members, and are continuing to develop new academy programming, so our portfolio is pretty large! Thus, I’m really stoked to have someone as experienced in BF’s operations as Craig, given that he served as the leader of Task Force 93 for well over a year. Craig will be focusing on training staff and identifying new talent.
As of yesterday, I’m also able to announce that Nick, aka Kitahashi, has been promoted from Task Force 72 Executive Officer to Task Force 72 Commanding Officer, relieving me of that responsibility. Like me, once upon a time in the distant past, Nick was a TFXO in TF72, so it’s fitting that he has now advanced to lead it. I’m looking forward to seeing what Big Blue has to offer in the coming months!
Finally, I’m happy to announce that Jess has stepped up to command the USS Europa. Look for recruitment messages soon!