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Happy Star Trek Day! – Help us by taking a survey!

September 8, 2023


Happy Star Trek Day from the Communications Office! Today is our day to celebrate all that is Star Trek and what it means to us. Whether you are someone who grew up wearing Spock ears, pretended to be captain of your own personal living room starship, or you have recently discovered Trek through Discovery, Lower Decks, or Star Trek Online – we are so glad you’re part of the Trekkie family.

Here in Bravo Fleet, we’ve spent the last 26 years celebrating Star Trek! And, like our beloved franchise, we are always looking to the future – how can we improve, innovate, and keep up with the times. Practically that means we’re interested in what you think, how things are going here in the Fleet, and are we providing to you the very best Online Star Trek Fan Club we can!

Primarily, we have collected this data through a summer survey. Since summer doesn’t end until September 21, I’m happy to present to you the 2023 Bravo Fleet Summer Survey! We will be collecting responses until September 22, so please take a few minutes and give us some solid feedback on the Fleet and its activities. This truly helps us discern what steps to take next and how we can plan for the future.