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Governance Changes Announcement

May 8, 2017

From time to time, Fleet responsibilities have a way of pulling us all from the core reason we’re here in the first place: writing. It is thus with bittersweet emotions I announce Adren Bahrat Noth (Community Relations Officer), Leah (Task Force 72 Commanding Officer) and Kai1701E (Task Force 38 Commanding Officer) have each independently decided to step down from the Admiralty to refocus on their sims, the USS Equinox, USS Cairo and USS Nogura respectively. Collectively, these three have served over half a decade on the Bravo Fleet Admiralty, and, while we’ll miss them on the BFA, we look forward to seeing where they take the stories of their sims going forth.

In Leah’s place, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty has appointed Solaris (aka. S’iraa and Teh Kitteh Overlord) as the next Task Force 72 Commanding Officer. Solaris has a long history with the Fleet going back over a decade. Over the years, he has served as Task Force Commanding Officer, Fleet Chief of Staff and Fleet Commanding Officer, among others, and we’re excited to have him rejoin the Admiralty with his former command character, Vice Admiral S’iraa.

As far as Task Force 38 and the Community Relations Office go, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty is still in the process of evaluating next steps. We should have an announcement regarding both positions in the near future.

In addition, I am pleased to announce that the Bravo Fleet Admiralty has approved an update to Article II of the Constitution by unanimous vote. Taking into consideration the feedback of the Rules Work Group from earlier this year, last month’s Fleet-wide Survey, etc., this is the first of a number of updates to our Constitution and By-laws planned for the next couple months. We’ve also made a minor procedural update to Article V Section 1.4.