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Fleet Survey & Other Communication Office Announcements

October 9, 2020


I hope that you are all doing well and that your friends and family are staying safe and healthy during this time. While the world out there may feel very negative for so many reasons, it is my hope – and the hope of all the admiralty – that Bravo Fleet is a place a respite, a friendly port in an otherwise stormy sea. It is in this mindset that I’m happy to announce an opportunity for us to not only gather some information from you – our wonderful members – but also for you to express any opinions you might have, anonymously of course.

October 2020 Bravo Fleet Survey

At the link above, you will find our latest Fleet Survey. Our goal here is to collect information on how you found us, what you find positive about the Fleet, what we can do to help turn negatives into positives, and to make you aware of just how LARGE our community is! There are so many ways for you to interact with us whether it be through social media, our discord, working together in our Star Trek Online fleet, or sharing your creative stories on our forums and/or on our individual games!

Please take a few minutes and take our Fleet Survey so that we can work together to better the Fleet!

Or use the QR Code below!

Communications Office Staff Positions

I’m sad and happy to report that last month Leah, our Communications Office Command Adjutant (Deputy),  stepped down from that post to focus her energies on her other position as Dean of Cadets – a very important position for our Fleet! I wish her nothing but the best and I know she has our back, regardless! With that position now vacant, I would like to welcome members of fleet to apply for the open staff positions in the Communications Office.

Comms Staff Application

There are 3 positions open:

  1. Deputy Communications Officer
  2. Staff Officer: Recruitment
  3. Staff Officer: Social Media

As Deputy Communications Officer, you would be assisting me in the running the department and collaborating with me on communications office projects (some that have yet to be lifted off the ground). Additionally, I would like this position to be canvassing the fleet to gather great posts and content from our games to promote on our social platforms and to use in recruitment.

As the Staff Officer for Social Media, you would focus on increasing our presence on the fleet’s social media platforms, at the moment Facebook and Twitter. You would be posting information about our stories, our competitions, and our gaming accomplishments!

As the Staff Officer for Recruitment, you would be assisting with recruiting new members to our community through social media, Reddit, discord servers, list servs, etc. Your primary concern will be recruiting for the Fleet as a whole, however, you would be available to help our COs/GMs with recruitment for their own games.

If you are interested in any of these positions, please apply here today!