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Echoes of the Tkon: Week 1 Fiction Update

July 31, 2021

I am thrilled to announce that not only has the Echoes of the Tkon Fleet Action got off to a rip-roaring start with our competitions, but also with our storytelling. To help people keep abreast of all the grand narratives being weaved across the galaxy as the Fourth Fleet races to resolve the Omega Crisis, the Lore Office will yet again provide week-by-week updates highlighting key points of story progression. So without further ado, let us dive into the Story So Far, in Phase 1: Omega.

Week 1 (24th – 30th July)

Starships across the Fourth Fleet have encountered Omega particles or been ordered to provide assistance wherever they are found. With Starfleet at present ignorant of what is causing such an unprecedented crisis, all that captains and team leaders across the galaxy can do is try to reduce the damage until a solution is found…

USS Odyssey

When the crew of the Odyssey detect a distress signal, Captain James McCallister is forced to initiate the Omega Directive. Instructing them to carry out a series of mysterious orders, McCallister discovers that the source of the distress signal, a damaged Kraylor vessel, had been carrying Omega particles which became unstable and detonated. After the Kraylor survivors have been beamed to Odyssey’s sickbay, McCallister learns that the Kraylor have a hidden research establishment dedicated to the study of Omega in the Delta Hedalos sector and plans to travel to the hidden installation alone to destroy the particles kept there. After clashing with his executive officer over what is potentially a suicide mission for the captain, McCallister says goodbye to his children and prepares to leave his ship for what could be the last time…

USS Vesta

Fresh from assisting the rebuilding of the Meronia Cluster, Captain Makayla Adams and the Vesta are dispatched on an emergency mission to evacuate a world threatened by Omega. Despite tensions among the crew from the mystery shrouding their assignment, the Vesta joins forces with the USS Lune in a bid to save the people of Kepara, a pre-warp culture in danger of absolute destruction in the crisis…

USS Endeavour

A relief mission on the refugee world of Teros IV in the old Romulan Neutral Zone is forcibly aborted when Endeavour detects Omega. Rallying the most trusted of his senior staff, Captain Matt Rourke prepares for the molecule’s destruction, aware that the loss of warp travel in the region would sign the death warrants of thousands of refugees. With tensions on the crew and on the neglected surface of Teros IV rising, Rourke must contemplate whether to order Endeavour to flee if Omega destabilises – or remain and try to save lives while stranded years from the rest of the galaxy.

USS Atlantis

Deep in the Delta Quadrant, Commander Tikva Theodoras is stunned when she is locked out of Atlantis’ systems and her command codes become inoperable during a mission. After making contact with TF17 commander Commodore Marshall-Bennett, she receives a brevet promotion to the grade of captain and a briefing on Omega particles. Bennett orders Theodoras to destroy the Omega particle detected close to Atlantis. The next drawback? The particle is very, very, close to Borg space…

Vondem Rose

Captain Sidda of the Vondem Rose and Starfleet Captain Hu-Williams of the USS Cavelo lock horns as Sidda conducts an illicit trade near the Federation – Romulan Republic border. Soon afterwards, Vondem Rose detects a ‘particle anomaly’ and instructs the crew to follow some highly unusual standing orders…

USS Centaur

Captain John Carter is briefed on the Omega Directive and is ordered to take USS Centaur accompanied by USS Don S. Davis to the Fero Psi Sector and begin scanning for Omega particles. Centaur destroys a small cluster of particles in the Rubieta system, using gravimetric torpedoes before travelling to investigate the next planetary system. Little does Carter know that his actions are being closely watched by the cloaked Klingon vessel IKS Shadriq…

USS Arcturus

After a successful first contact with the Thalruatanians, Captain Michael Lancaster allows his senior staff some relaxation time as Arcturus continues her mission to explore the Delta Quadrant. The captain’s own personal time is rudely interrupted when the ship’s sensors detect Omega particles close by and he is compelled to implement the Omega Directive. The location of the detected particles? Thalruatania…

USS Argonaut

Captain Jonathan Bastin of the Argonaut is directed to cordon off and control a region where Omega has been detected until the arrival of a specialist relief team. Unable to give his staff more than a cursory explanation, Bastin negotiates their uncertainty and tension and prepares for the worst. Despite the successful destruction of Omega, the crew remain uneasy about being kept in the dark…

USS Trent

Commander Yanrel Vex and Lieutenant Commander Neil Harrington are instructed to command a mission to Koruku III to forcibly evacuate a pre-industrial community. Leading a confused and angry hastily-assembled team of security personnel, the two officers put together a plan to carry out their orders with the minimum of impact to the Koruku natives…

USS Atlantia

After Atlantia is hit by an unknown weapon emerging from subspace, Captain Treylana Hess is forced to implement the Omega Directive and sets a course at maximum warp for a nearby M-class planet. Avoiding questions from her senior officers, Hess instructs her crew to prepare ten photon torpedoes for maximum yield… 

USS Sutherland

Captain Struan MacLeod receives an ominous briefing from Captain Dex, TF93’s commanding officer – Omega particles have been detected. His instructions are for Sutherland to patrol the border with Romulan space, scanning for particles. If any are detected in Federation space, then he is to secure the area and wait for a specialist disposal team. However, if particles are detected in Romulan space, then MacLeod may need to take matters into his own hands to ensure their destruction…

USS Ahwahnee

Discovery of the Omega molecule prompts the Directive locking down the USS Ahwahnee, and mysterious instructions routed to Captain Vordenna. As uncertainty envelops the crew, they are given orders without explanation that will lead to Omega’s destruction – including transporting Captain Vordenna openly to the surface of Gorman III, home to a pre-warp civilisation. With one senior officer relieved of duty for refusing to violate the Prime Directive and the rest cast into confusion, Captain Vordenna entrusts the ship to first officer Commander Tursk, who must walk the tightrope of an uneasy crew and a perilous assignment…

USS Elysion

Leisure time aboard the USS Elysion is interrupted by the sudden detection of Omega, the activated Directive locking out the crew and casting them into the unknown as Captain Jonathan Ransom investigates. With the inhabitants of the nearby Mithrar Anchorage endangered by Omega, Ransom must find his own solution with no hope of Starfleet support…



This Week:

  • Starfleet ships detect Omega or are dispatched to sites where it has been detected.
  • All over the galaxy, captains are forced to resolve the crises for themselves, with specialist teams too far away or too overwhelmed to render aid.
  • The actions of other great powers remain a mystery, as does their knowledge of or intentions with Omega.
  • The Fleet Action remains in its initial phase, ships and officers still largely reeling from the opening of the crisis.