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Change of Command – Task Force 72

December 14, 2021

Task Force 72 is often cited as the only Bravo Fleet task force never closed after its initial establishment at the beginning of the universe. One could even say that it’s been a sentinel for Bravo Fleet over the years. While other task forces have come and gone or shifted logos and colors, Task Force 72 has been a fixture in blue for longer than I’ve been in a member of the fleet. Indeed, it was my first task force as a player and as a staff member back in the ~2006 era. So, it’s not without a certain amount of personal satisfaction that I’ve been happy to step in twice now as interim Task Force 72 Commanding Officer. I’m quite hopeful that today marks the last of these interregnums, though! While our original intention was to have this accession at either Christmas or New Year’s, the candidate’s good work has made further delay unnecessary, so there will be a new TF72CO before the BFC’s break next week.

With him having been duly appointed by the Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer, I am pleased to announce that Th’lora Vehl, a.k.a. Brian, will step into the role of Task Force 72 Commanding Officer effective immediately. Over approximately three months between Task Forces 17 and 72 as TFXO, Brian’s demonstrated a natural aptitude for keeping people engaged and has been very on top of keeping the mechanisms of those two units going. As recognized by his recent Star for Distinguished Service, he is also one of the most active members in the fleet, engaging in writing, gaming, and competitions. This is precisely the example a member of any task force’s staff must set to be effective in the role.

Congratulations, Brian. We’re expecting great things in the coming year!