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By-Law #1 Update

December 31, 2017

First off let me just say, on behalf of the BFA, we hope you have a wonderful Holiday period and a Happy New Year! Stay safe!

On to business. While the work on By-Laws #2 and #3 is ongoing, I am please to announce that By-Law #1 has been reworked. A lot of superfluous text has been removed, outdated references have been removed, and the whole of By-Law #1 has been updated. This also includes the addition of By-Law #1.4, which is the return of Task Groups to the CoC.

As it stands now these changes are specifically the structural By-Laws, which include

  • #1.1 – Member & Staff Duties
  • #1.2 – Bravo Fleet Timeline
  • #1.3 – Task Forces
  • #1.4 – Task Groups
  • #1.5 – Departments