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Bravo Fleet Academy

July 12, 2020

After countless hours of development, the Bravo Fleet Academy is excited to move forward with our first course BF 101 – Introduction to Bravo Fleet! The Bravo Fleet Academy is designed to be a self-paced resource that Fleet Members can use to learn more about Bravo Fleet. The Bravo Fleet Academy: General Overview is a great tool to understand the functions of the Academy. 

BF-101 – Introduction to Bravo Fleet, our pilot course, is designed to give new members the knowledge and skills they need to be successful members of Bravo Fleet! If you’re interested in being one of the first to take this course, register here

This course is broken down into three sections: 

  • Assignment #1 – General Information 
    • This assignment focuses on basic information related to Bravo Fleet including the Charter, Magistrate Code, Leadership, etc. 
  • Assignment #2 – Gaming (Part I)
    • Part I focuses on simming with Bravo Fleet, providing new members with an overview on how they can participate in writing groups and how to create a character on the BFMS, 
  • Assignment #2 – Gaming (Part II) 
    • Part II focuses on the other ways in which fleet members can participate in Bravo Fleet: Star Trek Online and Competitions! 
  • Assignment #3 – Community
    • The final assignment focuses on the various ways in which members can be a part of the Bravo Fleet Community. This includes Discord, the awards, and Bravo Fleet’s social media presence. 

At this time, the Academy is looking for cadets to take BF-101 and for Fleet members who are interested in joining the Academy Staff to help with grading and the development of elective courses! If you’re interested in joining our team, fill out an application here.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to my on Discord or through email!  

Captain Javin Kile
Bravo Fleet Academy Commandant