Since the start of the summer, the Logistics Office has been hard at work processing hundreds of transactions, in addition to the literally thousands of automated transactions set up by the Engineering Office. I’m pleased to see the work of the Logistics Office proceed under MJ, and I’m sure he’ll be able to offer data and cool things like that in a future update. What I’m writing to you today to do, however, is to to think back on how this system came into being. The short version of the story is: Vince.
It was always the vision of the “new” Bravo Fleet to include a system where members could purchase things with prestige. While the wheres and hows of that wasn’t always clear, it began when Vince let Cath and I ideate on the squadron system as a way of solving a real problem where members were using more than one ship when they didn’t have access to one–no one did at the time. Instead of just banning the practice, we found a way to incorporate that practice into our organization.
Later, when the technology matured, we were able to deploy a fully-fledged assets system that allows members a tremendous amount of flexibility with their storytelling while also gameifying it in a way that encourages consistent activity. It turns out that progression and advancement are both enjoyable! All throughout this process, Vince was the one with his hand on the tiller getting it from mere idea to a fully formed system.
During the previous fleet action, the Bravo Fleet Senior Staff approached me to ask that I use a prior precedent established for the BFXO to award and recognize the BFCO with the advice and consent of the BFSS. We decided to delay this award so that we could fully recognize both Vince’s contributions to the Logistics system as well as his shepherding us through three incredibly successful fleet actions. I’ll let you read the nominations for yourself, because I’ve spoken enough here.
For masterminding the creation of the Fleet Assets system and for his extremely effective leadership over the past two years through three fleet actions, I am pleased to award Fleet Admiral Teylas Ramar the Christopher Pike Medal of Valor and the Rachel Garrett Order of Heroism, respectively!