BFXO Report #21 — Winter Survey Summary

February 3, 2024

Thanks so much to everyone who was able to complete the winter survey I mentioned in my previous announcement. In the end, had 25 members submit—which is a great turnout, since neither members of the BFSS or BFC were allowed to submit, since we’re the ones who are there to read the survey results. I’ll also mention that a separate survey went out to the BFC, in the interests of letting us think in a more forward-looking way on where folks are interested in going with their staff work.

The two primary reasons we did a winter survey were to see what the interest level was like for a fleet podcast and for Star Trek: Adventures. In addition, we had specific questions on expanding the number of ways in which people can write collaboratively and the potential for head-to-head writing competitions. From the survey, we found that interest was strong on all of these issues, and I can say that we are continuing to pursue Star Trek: Adventures and options for a podcast are being discussed in more detail. The other two things will come as part of expansions to the BFMS itself.

Detailed Summaries

In order to protect member privacy, I’m electing not to provide the raw survey response data. However, thanks to the magic of ChatGPT, we have a set of concise summaries that you can browse here at your leisure:

  1. Support by TFSS

    Key themes from the responses to the question about feeling supported by staff include:

    • Guidance and Assistance: Many respondents mentioned staff members walking them through processes, providing assistance with authentication, and helping them navigate various aspects of the community.
    • Personal Outreach and Check-Ins: Several highlighted the importance of staff reaching out during personal difficulties or absences, demonstrating care and support for community members.
    • Active Engagement and Support: Staff members engaging with the community, answering questions, providing encouragement, and creating a welcoming atmosphere were noted as supportive actions.
    • Accessibility and Responsiveness: Being available for assistance, whether through direct messages, Discord, or other communication channels, was appreciated by members.
    • Accommodation and Flexibility: Staff members accommodating individual needs, whether related to rejoining after a hiatus, resolving issues, or providing support with technical matters, was mentioned as a supportive gesture.
    • Encouragement and Communication: Consistent encouragement, updates, and communication about events and activities were valued by community members.
    • Personalized Support and Recognition: Some respondents mentioned specific staff members who provided ongoing support, encouragement, and inspiration, highlighting the importance of personalized interactions.

    Overall, the key themes revolve around the proactive engagement, assistance, and care demonstrated by staff members towards community members, fostering a supportive environment within the community.

  2. Fleet Management


    Responses to the question about Bravo Fleet’s management include:

    1. Positive Feedback: Many respondents express satisfaction and appreciation for the management team’s efforts and their role in improving the organization.
    2. Continuity and Adaptability: Despite changes in staffing and roles, the level of management remains consistent and effective, indicating a smooth transition and adaptability within the organization.
    3. Support and Backup Systems: The presence of backup systems for staff members during times of real-life issues is noted, ensuring continuity and stability in management processes.
    4. Constructive Criticism on Web Interface: Some feedback highlights issues with the web interface, particularly regarding navigation and usability, which caused frustration for returning members. However, there’s a willingness to give it another try.
    5. Limited Feedback or Experience: Some respondents indicate a lack of extensive experience or specific feedback regarding upper management but express overall satisfaction and happiness with their involvement in Bravo Fleet.
    6. Encouragement and Confidence: Despite minor issues raised, the general sentiment is one of encouragement and confidence in Bravo Fleet’s management, with the organization being praised as one of the best Star Trek simulations available.

    Overall, while there are some areas for improvement, the majority of responses reflect a positive perception of Bravo Fleet’s management, with a focus on effective leadership, support, and a commitment to improvement.

  3. Thoughts on Fleet Assets


    Responses to the question about desired additions to the Fleet Assets system, including ships, stations, or services, include:

    • Interest and Intrigue: Many respondents express curiosity and excitement about the Fleet Assets system, eager to see how it will be implemented and what options will be available.
    • Desired Additions: Some respondents suggest various additions they would like to see, including ships, stations, upgrades, unique Discord roles, special avatars, and the ability to form squadrons with other players.
    • Tiered System and Prestige Points: One respondent proposes a tiered system based on earning prestige points, suggesting it as a way to incentivize members to strive for higher tiers and unlock additional benefits.
    • Concerns and Criticism: A few respondents express concerns about potential restrictions and a “pay-to-play” dynamic within the system, suggesting it could limit choices or feel coercive, particularly if certain options are tied to activities like competitions or staff positions.
    • Alternative Suggestions: One respondent proposes an alternative idea of incorporating consequences for actions, suggesting that negative outcomes for poor decisions could balance out the rewards for successful ones.
    • Uncertainty and Need for More Information: Some respondents indicate a lack of concrete ideas due to limited experience or information about the Fleet Assets system, preferring to wait for more details before forming opinions.

    Overall, responses reflect a range of perspectives, from anticipation and suggestions for specific additions to concerns about potential drawbacks and a desire for more information.

  4. Thoughts on Roleplaying Games


    Responses to the question about RPGs (Role-Playing Games) vary in content and level of engagement. Here are the key points:

    • Positive Experiences: Some respondents express enjoyment and satisfaction with the RPGs they have participated in, indicating that they find them to be fun activities.
    • Challenges with Participation: One respondent highlights a common issue of slow updates from writing partners, leading to delays and potential disengagement from the story. They suggest implementing reminders or visual cues to prompt more timely contributions.
    • Support for RPGs: While acknowledging the challenges, some respondents express support for RPGs, recognizing their value despite the difficulties in managing them.
    • Limited Participation or Experience: Several respondents indicate that they have not yet participated in RPGs or have not had enough experience to provide substantial feedback.
    • Desire for More RPGs: Some respondents express a desire for more RPG opportunities, suggesting an interest in expanding this aspect of the community.
    • Suggestions for Improvement: One respondent suggests better integration of RPGs into the Discord platform to facilitate participation and community engagement.

    Overall, responses indicate a mix of positive experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement regarding RPGs within the community. There’s a clear interest in enhancing the RPG experience, particularly in addressing issues with participation and finding ways to increase engagement.

  5. Thoughts on Writing Sandboxes


    Responses to the question about writing sandboxes elicit a range of opinions and experiences. Here are the key points:

    • Limited Participation or Experience: Several respondents indicate that they have not yet participated in the writing sandboxes or have not had enough experience to provide substantial feedback.
    • Mixed Views on Sandboxes: While some respondents express positive views on sandboxes, appreciating them as a platform for collaboration and starting off future projects, others express reservations. One respondent finds them too restrictive and limiting in terms of story opportunities, while another suggests they can experience similar delays as RPGs.
    • Challenges with Participation and Engagement: Some respondents highlight challenges with participation and engagement in sandboxes, suggesting that writers may feel discouraged if they perceive their work as going unnoticed or unappreciated.
    • Desire for Improvement: One respondent expresses a desire for more feedback and recognition within the sandbox environment to encourage writers and ensure their efforts are valued.

    Overall, responses indicate a mix of perspectives on writing sandboxes, with some appreciating their collaborative potential while others raise concerns about limitations and engagement. There’s a desire for improvements, particularly in addressing challenges with participation and ensuring writers feel supported and recognized for their contributions.

  6. Thoughts on BFMS Writing Features


    Responses to the question about fiction writing and the BFMS (Bravo Fleet Management System) fiction writing interface generally indicate satisfaction with the platform, with some suggestions for improvement. Here are the key points:

    • Positive Feedback: Several respondents express satisfaction with the interface and the recent changes made to it, finding it intuitive and enjoyable to use for writing and updating primary commands.
    • Minor Improvements: Some respondents appreciate the minor improvements made to the interface, highlighting the positive impact on their writing experience.
    • Ease of Use: While some find the interface easy to learn and navigate once they become familiar with it, others suggest that it could be made even more intuitive, particularly in terms of collaborative writing.
    • Desire for More Formatting Options: One respondent suggests adding more formatting options in the editor, such as left/center/right align options, to enhance the writing experience.
    • Opportunities for Collaboration: There’s a desire for more opportunities for open writing and collaboration between captains during solo adventures, to make the storytelling experience feel more alive and interconnected.

    Overall, responses reflect a generally positive sentiment towards fiction writing within the BFMS interface, with suggestions for minor enhancements to improve usability and facilitate collaboration among writers.

  7. Thoughts on Collaborative Writing


    Responses to the question about interest in collaborative writing in a less formalized setting show a range of opinions and preferences. Here are the key points:

    • Openness to Options: Some respondents express openness to any form of collaborative writing, indicating a willingness to participate in different settings or formats.
    • Positive Experiences: Those who have already engaged in collaborative writing in a less formalized setting express enjoyment and satisfaction with the experience, finding it laid back and enjoyable.
    • Interest in Collaborative Writing for Primary Commands: Many respondents express interest in collaborative writing for personal primary commands, seeing it as an exciting feature that would allow them to team up with others to tackle storylines together.
    • Desire for Informality and Flexibility: Some respondents express a desire for more informal and flexible settings for collaborative writing, suggesting that structured models can be restrictive and may not accommodate varying activity levels or time zones.
    • Preference for Small Groups: Several respondents prefer collaborative writing settings involving small groups of individuals, indicating a preference for more intimate and manageable writing partnerships.
    • Desire for Enhanced Features: Some respondents suggest specific features they would like to see, such as the ability to create missions for multiple commands or form squadrons with other players.

    Overall, responses indicate a strong interest in collaborative writing, with preferences for informal settings, small group interactions, and features that enhance the collaborative experience within the community.

  8. Thoughts on Academy offerings


    Responses to the question about desired topics for future courses from Bravo Fleet Academy are varied and somewhat limited. Here are the key points:

    • Interest in Writing Skills: Some respondents express interest in learning about specific writing skills, such as how to request collaborators effectively and how to create meaningful stories for their own commands.
    • Expansion of Character History: One respondent suggests an interest in learning more about the history of additional characters within the universe.
    • No Specific Requests: Several respondents indicate that they don’t have any specific topics in mind at the moment, suggesting that they are either satisfied with the current offerings or haven’t identified areas they’d like to learn more about.
    • Consulting External Sources: Some respondents mention that they can consult external sources, such as the wiki, for information, indicating that they may prefer self-directed learning in certain areas.
    • Potential Topics: There are suggestions for potential future topics, such as types of plots or delving into the specifics of the Hero/Heroine’s journey, indicating a desire for more in-depth exploration of storytelling elements.

    Overall, while there is some interest in specific writing skills and potential topics for future courses, responses are relatively limited, suggesting that there may be varying levels of demand for additional offerings from Bravo Fleet Academy.

  9. Thoughts on Gaming offerings


    Responses to the question about Bravo Fleet’s gaming offerings are limited, with only a few comments provided. Here are the key points:

    • Desire for Increased Engagement: One respondent suggests that activity levels for gaming could be improved with increased engagement opportunities.
    • Concerns about Strategic Action Ribbons: Another respondent expresses a desire for the reinstatement of Strategic Action Ribbons, noting that their removal has made it difficult for players who don’t write extensively to level up. They highlight the lack of activity on Star Trek Online (STO) from Bravo Fleet members as a challenge.
    • Positive Feedback: Despite some concerns, there are expressions of enthusiasm and positivity towards Bravo Fleet’s gaming offerings, with one respondent describing them as “cool” and expressing a love for them.
    • Limited Activity: There’s a recognition of limited activity in gaming, particularly in STO, with a wish for more participation from members.

    Overall, while there are some concerns and desires for improvement, responses generally reflect positive attitudes towards Bravo Fleet’s gaming offerings, with a desire for increased engagement and activity levels.

  10. Thoughts on the “We Are the Borg” Fleet Action


    Responses to the question about the Fleet Action “We Are the Borg” generally reflect positive sentiments, with some suggestions for improvement. Here are the key points:

    • Positive Feedback: Several respondents express enjoyment and appreciation for the Fleet Action, describing it as fun, engaging, and a great collaborative writing endeavor.
    • Concept and Plot: Respondents appreciate the concept and general plot of the Fleet Action, finding it well-executed and providing ample opportunity for creative writing within structured missions.
    • Participation and Engagement: Many respondents note that the Fleet Action encouraged participation from members and provided an enjoyable experience for those involved.
    • Suggestions for Improvement: Some respondents suggest improvements such as avoiding scheduling multiple Fleet Actions in the same year, providing more time for writing and finalizing stories, and considering different subject matter for future Fleet Actions.
    • Personal Circumstances: A few respondents mention that they were unable to participate fully in the Fleet Action due to personal or real-life constraints, but still expressed interest and enthusiasm for the event.

    Overall, responses indicate a positive reception to the Fleet Action “We Are the Borg,” with a few suggestions for refinement and improvement in future iterations.

  11. General Suggestions for the Fleet’s Leadership


    Responses to the question about general suggestions or comments for the Fleet’s leadership are generally positive, with a few expressions of appreciation and recognition. Here are the key points:

    • Positive Feedback: Several respondents express appreciation for the leadership team, commending them for their hard work and noting improvements in the organization.
    • Recognition: Some respondents emphasize the importance of recognizing the leadership’s efforts and contributions to Bravo Fleet, acknowledging their role in maintaining and improving the community.
    • Encouragement: Overall, responses convey a sense of encouragement and support for the leadership team, with respondents expressing confidence in the direction of the organization and its continued success.
    • No Specific Suggestions: While there are no specific suggestions provided, respondents generally indicate satisfaction with the current leadership and the direction of Bravo Fleet.

    Overall, responses reflect a positive sentiment towards the Fleet’s leadership, with recognition of their efforts and encouragement for continued success.

  12. Conclusion


    Overall, the survey feedback highlights several strengths of Bravo Fleet, including positive community engagement, appreciation for leadership, and enthusiasm for collaborative writing. However, there are also areas for improvement, such as increasing participation, addressing concerns about activity levels, and enhancing specific features and offerings.

Closing Thoughts

Overall, we’re really happy with the responses from this survey, particularly in looking forward to new systems. I will note that there are a few responses requesting future features that we actually already have—such as an academy program that addresses the hero/heroine’s journey—but these summaries are presented without particular rebuttals or responses, so that you can see what we’re seeing. Responses will come in the form of adjustments to our systems as we proceed. One good example is the recent clarification of the Intelligence Office’s existing Command Policy which now clearly states that you can write with a single writing partner on your own command without needing any sort of approval. We’ve also simplified the application procedure for leading RPGs. If you are curious about the full range of what you can do, feel free to reach out to your task force staff members or the relevant department head. We’re all here to help!