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Avalon Fleet Yards Launches

July 11, 2023

Avalon Fleet Yards has long been a part of Bravo Fleet’s lore, so we are excited to announce that it is now the setting for our newest sandbox! As of today, it’s now possible for members of the rank of midshipman and up to be a part of the beating heart of the Fourth Fleet’s starship construction and maintenance, and its cutting-edge research and development. Set across the Avalon System and its numerous dockyards, stations, orbital platforms, and planetary facilities, this is where the Fourth Fleet’s pioneers of science and technology work their miracles.

Where Starbase Bravo encourages members to explore one character’s journey on the floating city in space, Avalon is a network of think tanks, construction teams, and facility leaders working together and apart. Members can join with characters who staff the various stations and dockyards of AFY, but they can also start up research teams, development projects, and scientific institutes. The emphasis for AFY is for members to develop these teams and crews and the facilities where they live and work, fleshing out their own fiefdoms across the sprawling system. AFY also entitles members to create characters who hold (up to) their own fleet rank, from the midshipmen working in research teams to the commanders running dockyards to the commodores leading scientific institutes.

But Avalon is still an RPG! Though members are welcome to write alone in this unique storytelling environment, writing together is still encouraged and rewarded. Those who earn service ribbons and duty ribbons on AFY can be eligible for more prestigious and/or limited positions, such as department heads on the massive Brahms Station or commanding officers of the multiple starbases in the system. From there, they can continue their good work facilitating storytelling across the sandbox.

The stories of Avalon focus on science and politics; on research teams collaborating and competing for results, on construction projects racing against the clock and vying for resources, on facility leaders rallying their crews to demonstrate they’re the best in the system. Members are generally responsible for those teams and crews rather than individual characters, and their storytelling will be about their highs and lows, alone, with, or against other groups.

Avalon is also, as announced recently, at the centre of Bravo Fleet’s Frontier Day event. The sandbox is open now; on July 17th, Frontier Day begins. Members are welcome – encouraged – to get stuck in as quickly as possible, and the nature of AFY means their characters do not have to be newcomers, but could have been in their positions for months or even years.

If you are interested in learning more, please familiarise yourself with the Avalon Fleet Yards main wiki article and its guide. Please note that (unlike SBB) AFY applications must include completed character bios and writing samples, and, if you wish to be part of a research team/project/institute, some limited information on that group!

We look forward to you joining us on Avalon Fleet Yards, the final frontier for science and technology.


  • I'm so excited to see where this new sandbox goes. Hopefully the go where their heart will take them, and they have faith to believe, they can do anything.

    July 11, 2023