Applications for 2024-25 JAG Staff Term

May 14, 2024

Since taking over as JAG in August of last year I have been well served by Captain Khaled al Rashid operating as Bravo Fleet Defender and Commander Gregory Rook who served as Bravo Fleet Investigator. I have enjoyed the discussions with each of them and their support through the active investigation and trial settled in Case JAG-006.

The JAG Corps has seen a bit staff shuffles over the last year, and given the rapidity of those changes and the lack of strict observance in the past, the JAG office terms have been automatically renewing for quite some time. However, it has been my intention to move back to a more direct observance of the 1 year terms of the JAG staff officers, and as such (in a bid for a fresh start) it has been decided that the current term for the JAG staff officers will end on May 31st, with the new annual terms set to begin on June 1st moving forward.

Both the Investigator and Defender positions are open for applications, and the current office holders are free to re-apply for the positions if they so decide. All applicants, however, will be given equal consideration for the position whether they are incumbent or not. Applications will be taken only via the web application form. I am accepting applications for two weeks, from now until Tuesday, May 28th. Feel free to apply for all either or both of the positions: the choice is yours! You can find the descriptions of the relevant duties contained within the Bravo Fleet Judicial Code.

There are no rank or experience requirements, though by policy current members of Bravo Fleet Command are ineligible to serve within the JAG Office. If you’re at all interested in serving in the JAG Office and can commit to holding one of the positions for the next year, please apply!

Use the following Google Form to apply for Investigator, Defender, or both: Bravo Fleet Judiciary Applications 2024 Term.