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New Fleet Server Infrastructure

May 23, 2017

Following an outage last week, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty has several announcements regarding Fleet internet services moving forward.

Core Infrastructure

Over the past few years, Bravo Fleet has added a number of new Internet services to keep up with the growing needs of the community. These services have placed additional load on Bravo Fleet’s web host (NetGeezers, administered by Darian), which in turn has led to slower response times and several outages. In an attempt to address this, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty began piloting a new cloud-based cluster on Digital Ocean earlier this year. For the past several months, this cluster has supported the Bravo Fleet Management System and Academy.

I am pleased to announce that, as of last night, our new infrastructure now also supports the Infobase, Relay Station Bravo, and Fleet email, and, come this weekend, we will be moving DNS services to a globally distributed cloud to avoid losing domain resolution even if a server goes down.

We hope this provides a noticeable speed up to the Fleet services, although we are aware of a few outstanding issues (such as the forum not sending email) that we will be resolving in the next few days. Feel free to report any issues you encounter with these services in #help on Discord, to via email, or by opening a Service Request through your BFMS account.

Simm Hosting

Earlier this year, we also introduced a new sim hosting solution. Since February, this host (, administered by aio) has supported sim sites. As of yesterday, it is now also supports several sim sites (starting with the USS Nomad, the USS Vindex and the USS Triton – a big thanks to them for serving as guinea pigs).

Over the next few days, we will be migrating the remainder of the sim sites over to the new host. This will require no work from you but will cause about an hour of downtime for each site (possibly more or less for individuals based on their ISP given that this migration requires a change to DNS). If a CO does not want to move to the new host, please let us know as soon as possible, and you can work out your own arrangement with NetGeezers or another hosting provider.

As far as the new hosting service goes, if you encounter any issues, please submit a ticket at


As we transition to new infrastructure, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty would also like to take a moment to thank Darian Caplinger for supporting, for more than half a decade, Bravo Fleet’s core internet services and cumulatively more than fifty sim sites through his hosting company NetGeezers. While it pales in comparison to what Darian has done for us over these past few years, in recognition for his contribution, the Bravo Fleet Admiralty has voted to award Darian with the Community Recognition Ribbon.


  • All core BF services (BFMS, Academy, wiki, forum, email) have been migrated to a cloud-based web cluster.
  • Issues encountered with core BF services should be reported in #help (Discord), to (email) or via a Service Request (BFMS account).
  • All sim sites with URLs will be migrated from NetGeezers to AioCorp over the next couple days.
  • Issues encountered with sim hosting should be reported at by submitting a ticket.
  • Darian Caplinger awarded the Community Recognition Ribbon for his selfless support of Bravo Fleet’s infrastructure for the past half decade.