Trekkagories Round 1


A Trek-centric take on the popular word puzzle game Scattergories. A letter, and a series of prompts are given. You earn 1 point per category correct.


Letter is ‘K’

Beverage: Kanar

Book title:

Ship name: Kelvin, USS

Culture: Kelpian

Room in a building:

Historical Figure: Khan Noonian Singh


And here is your letter (chosen by Loki), and your categories! I hope you guys enjoy this different type of competition!

Trekkagories: Letter P

Names of historical figure:

Items found on DS9’s Promenade:


Things you’d find on Qo’nos:

Book title:

Ship name:


Things found in sickbay:

Types of stellar phenomena:




  • Answers *must* be submitted in the entry information field.
  • The answer to every prompt must start with the given letter, and be Trek related, either by book/movie/game references, or preferably in the Trek verse(s). Any and all timelines go.
  • The person with the most correct categories wins. Ties are broken by first submitted.



User ID Content Date Entry
Cynndle Oin'sun 2457

Cynndle's Entry!

Names of historical figure: Pavel Chehov

Items found on DS9’s Promenade: Pah-wraith

Beverage: Peppermint Tea

Things you’d find on Qo’nos: PetaQ (I am sure someone is considered this by many klingons on Qo'nos)

Book title: Purgatory's Key by Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore

Ship name: USS Proxima

Xenofauna: Pakled

Things found in sickbay: Power Relay in the wall :)

Types of stellar phenomena: Pulsar

Culture: Pandrilite

2023-07-17 11:12:17
Callen Varro 2063

Names of historical figures: Proconsul Claudius / Capt. Pike?

Items found on DS9's Promenade: Promenade Directory

Beverage: Plomeek Soup

Things you'd find on Qo'nos: Palace of the High Council

Book title:"Prime Directive" by Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Ship name: USS Prometheus

Xenofauna: Palukoo

Things found in sickbay: Protoplaser

Types of stellar phenomena: Plasma storm

Culture: Pah-wraiths

2023-07-16 21:56:09
Sazra Kobahl 2545

Names of historical figure: Porthos

Items found on DS9’s Promenade: Puree of beetle (Quarks bar)

Beverage: Prune Juice

Things you’d find on Qo’nos: Pipius (traditional Klingon dish)

Book title: Planet of Judgement (1977)

Ship name: USS Proxima

Xenofauna: Photonic flea

Things found in sickbay: Phoretic analyzer

Types of stellar phenomena: Pulsar

Culture: Pakled

2023-07-15 09:28:55
Roger Allen 2443

Names of historical figure: Praetor Pontilus

Items found on DS9’s Promenade: Pancho's Happy Bottom Riding Club

Beverage: Potak cold fowl

Things you’d find on Qo’nos: po Ha'DIbaH

Book title: Perry's Planet

Ship name: Prokofiev

Xenofauna: palukoo

Things found in sickbay: priaxate

Types of stellar phenomena: particle density anomaly

Culture: Parein

2023-07-15 07:13:59

Trekkagories: Letter P

Names of historical figure: Paul Stamets

Items found on DS9’s Promenade:

Beverage: Prosecco

Things you’d find on Qo’nos: Painstiks

Book title: Prime Directive, Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Ship name: Prometheus, USS

Xenofauna: Pyrithian Bat

Things found in sickbay: Petri Dish

Types of stellar phenomena: Planetary Nebula

Culture: Pon Farr

2023-07-12 06:29:01
Sky Athenos 2640

Trekkagories: Letter P

Names of historical figure: Admiral Pike

Items found on DS9’s Promenade: Pancho's happy bottom ridling club

Beverage: Prune Juice

Things you’d find on Qo’nos:

Book title: Planet of Judgement

Ship name: USS Protostar

Xenofauna: Pycan space moth

Things found in sickbay: Plasma (blood plasma)

Types of stellar phenomena: Protostar

Culture: Pakled

2023-07-11 07:34:37

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