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1st Contact – orienteering wiki style


Task Force 47 has a mission to explore the Thomar expanse, part of that is conducting 1st or 2nd contacts. Have you ever noticed how 1st contacts are connected? No, Then boy do we have a a lesson for you.

But as with most school work we can’t make things all easy peasy for you. This lesson is going to take a bit more than that. Use your investigating skills to follow the clues.

This contest is BF and memory Alpha wiki based. Hint: It does start in our beloved BF WIKI.

Here are the clues:

1. What federation ship made 1st contact with the Breen Confederacy?  (picture)

2. Who did they raid in the 21st century?

3. Who made first contact in 2364? 

4. Sale of what technology has become known to be a thorny issue? 

5. What area do they ignore? 

6. This ship entered the area in 2371?

7. “as well as numerous technological innovations and ___” 

8. Was passing through the system. 

9. What song was played? (Picture)


  • Submit a picture showing the answer for the first and last question.
  • Winners will be chosen by submitting the correct answers to the first and last questions.
  • Dates and times of complete and correct submition will determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.


User ID Date Entry
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121 2023-03-11 03:18:01
Andreus Kohl 2374 2023-03-10 21:05:15

Competition Winners

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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