BF Discord Movie Trivia Night


It’s time for the second Bravo Fleet Discord Trivia Night! This will be a one-night event held on the Bravo Fleet Discord! It’s time to come and bring your “A” game with the entire fleet in a game of wits. This will be a structured event led by myself and my two amazing co-panelists Brendan and Treylana, who will be judging the correct answers and working to pick the questions. This trivia night will be covering all of the Trek movies and the knowledge you retain regarding the many movies within the universe!

The main goal is for all present to have fun! We had a great turnout in the last event including many BFC members. I challenge others to join and show your mettle against the best in the Fleet. This event is scheduled for 8 PM EST on 21 Jan 2023; as a reference, this Time Chart is a way to determine what time it might be for you! I am hoping all of the different time zones can join! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me!

So buckle up and do some research you never know what surprises we may have in store for you!


  • Held on the Bravo Fleet Discord server, a special channel will be created. Questions will be given over voice chat, and answers should be typed in the channel's text box.
  • One point will be awarded for each correct answer given.
  • The first person to respond to a question with the correct answer will be awarded the point for that question.
  • Placements will be based on the people with the most points tallied up at the end by the host and judges.



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