Q’s Winter Wonderland 2022 – Race to the Finish


Happy holidays!

A big part of Q’s Winter Wonderland is two races – one of which you are racing against your fellow players, while the other is a race against some randomly generated NPC. Both of them take place on icy surfaces and you slip and slide all over the place. This of course has nothing to do with this competition, but was fun for the organizer to write out so it counts!

This is a straight up action ribbon race, but with a surprise wintery twist – all action ribbons from supported games count!


  • This is a straight race - the person with the most action ribbons earned wins!
  • You may enter from either Star Trek Online or World of Warships
  • Each action ribbon counts for one point, so enter as often as you can, in groups or solo - but just remember group runs can do so much more than a single person can!



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