TF72: Refugee Resettlement


Captain Karrik has been mediating negotiations with the Mauo peoples and a delegation of Romulan refugees. However, negotiations have stalled leading to nearly three days of stalemate. While Karrik has been able to come to what he believes is a sensible agreement to allow the resettlement of the refugees, there may be an alternate solution. Your task is to sift through the negotiation criteria by clearing a game of Mahjong to make sure nothing was missed and validate Karrik’s solution.

You can play the game here (will open in a new tab)


  • Upload a screenshot of the completed game of Mahjong using the classic tileset showing the time taken to complete the game and score.
  • The winner will be the member with the quickest time to clear the board.
  • In the event of a tie, the member with the highest score will be the winner



User ID Content Date Entry
Edmond Langston 2064

Great game

2022-09-13 20:21:57 View Image
Jaylin Vodor 754

phew! i haven't played this game in so long.

2022-09-13 08:49:05 View Image
Ravenwolf 2483

Mahjong competition entry task force 72

2022-09-13 00:26:38 View Image
Sazra Kobahl 2545


2022-09-12 18:56:39 View Image
Brodie Lewis 2208

Score 7450

2022-09-12 16:51:06 View Image

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