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TF86: Scoundrels, Conmen, and Mudd?


The Triangle has long been a hotbed of illegal activity and a thorn in the side of the Federation for decades. With the recent collapse of the Romulan Star Empire, the less than savory folks of the Triangle have come to claim forgotten prizes. Scoundrels, thieves, con men, and pirates have been a problem since the days of Kirk. Each is trying to make a name for themself, but none is more famous than one Harcourt Fenton “Harry” Mudd.  

Mudd has seen it all, done it all, or stolen it all.   Click the link below to solve the Harry Mudd-inspired puzzle.

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  • Submit a screenshot of your finished puzzle, showing clearly the time taken and the number of pieces used.
  • Entries will be scored first by the time taken and then by the time submitted.


User ID Date Entry
Walter Jones 1659 2022-09-08 13:14:03
Jason Devron 2554 2022-09-07 15:49:27
Darion Hayes 2552 2022-09-07 09:06:05
Aryanna Rigras 2486 2022-09-06 22:10:26
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121 2022-09-06 10:45:46
Edmond Langston 2064 2022-09-06 05:43:15
Ryoko Takato 2545 2022-09-05 16:24:38
Gregorian Gregory Rook 2543 2022-09-05 05:36:59
Imya Jori 10 2022-09-05 03:38:23
S’Lone tr’Khellian 2535 2022-09-05 01:54:44

Competition Winners

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