TF72: A New Threat Emerges


A coup on Rator has seen the Star Empire crumble, and a number of worlds have declared their independence across large swathes of space formerly controlled by the Empire. Starfleet is advancing into the independent regions formerly part of Romulan space. In doing so, the USS K’Ehleyr is intercepted by a new foe. Who are these strange beings? What do they want?

Before any questions can be answered, sensors must unscramble the only image successfully obtained.


  • Submit a screenshot of the completed puzzle, including the time and score you achieved, and the amount of moves you completed it in.
  • Scoring will be based on the amount of moves taken to complete the puzzle and then by time submitted.



User ID Content Date Entry
Th'lora Vehl 2240

Participation only. Not for placement.

2022-09-16 08:55:38 View Image
Henry Maxwell 2223


2022-09-15 19:39:14 View Image
S’Lone tr’Khellian 2535


2022-09-13 03:29:41 View Image

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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