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TF17: Yearbook Superlatives Quiz


With a new class of Cadet Squadron Bravo reporting to Starbase Bravo, last year’s squadron has graduated from Starfleet Academy. No matter how excited those new ensigns are for their first postings, they’re never going to forget their time at the academy. While some cadets only care about their grades, other cadets know the real competition is in the Starfleet yearbook. Grades are ephemeral; being honoured with yearbook page space and epic yearbook signatures will last forever. Real Starfleet legends are born by how well they’re remembered.

You’ve arrived to class in time for a POP QUIZ. Put your vocabulary to the test by completing the Yearbook Superlatives quiz and selecting the right word for each of the descriptions provided. If you’ve already graduated the academy, maybe this quiz will inspire you zhuzh up your next story with a surprising word that will make your reader think you’re as clever as Data or Spock.

Click here to get started!

Will you be awarded the “most likely to use obscure words” in this year’s academy yearbook?


  • Submit a screenshot showing the whole page of your final score (including the URL, the number of correct answers out of 12, and the number of points out of 5000)
  • Entries will be graded based on the highest number of points
  • In the event of a tie, entries will be further graded on highest number of correct answers, and then by earliest time submitted


User ID Date Entry
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121 2022-04-22 10:50:38
Thyn Th'ezokroq 2426 2022-04-18 10:01:00
Brodie Lewis 2208 2022-04-17 19:06:01

Competition Winners

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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