STO Winter Wonderland 2021 Competition


Welcome to Q’s Winter Wonderland!

Before we start, a little trivia! Did you know that Q in game is not based of the John de Lancie Q you are all familiar with? They modeled him after Q Junior, de Lancie’s son in the show and his son in real life. He’s actually one of the only people they have never given a facelift to in game other than to spruce up the old robes a bit when Lighting 2.0 was introduced. Not sure why they went with what looks like a permanent scowl, the Q always seem to be very curious and more happy wonder at everything. But that would explain the twisted dangers and fun weaponry.

Now, onto the competition itself. There is a change to this year compared to the last year’s competitions, because we always want to see a few more participants! In addition to the daily missions, Winter Invasion TFO and timed content, there is one other challenge that is specific to Bravo Fleet: hit a member of the Bravo Fleet Command in-game with a snowball! This is open to every member of Bravo Fleet, including Command members, but the target must be another Command member online at the same time as you. If you hit either of the Gaming Office members during this event, we might even drop some loot for you from the Fleet Giveaway bank tab! Watch the criteria for this, because you need to do something specific to qualify for this block of points.

Cryptic this year has decided not to add any additional content in 2021, but they have added new outfits, new weapons and a Breen ground kit set. And who knows? Maybe the festive mood will strike your fellow players and you will be gifted with large stacks of winter commodities to trade in for goodies.

Good luck, and happy holidays to all!


  • To enter this competition, take a screenshot of your Star Trek Online character in the Winter Wonderland and submit the screenshot to this competition as a way of saying you are definitely participating! This doesn't have to be your only character in the Winter Wonderland, but this is more so we can list your name as a winner in this competition.
  • Points are earned by showing completion of daily tasks by submitting screenshots to the Gaming Submissions interface. Daily tasks grant one point for entry in the competition.
  • Earn additional points by completing instances of the Winter Invasion STF to defeat the Snow Overlord. One point will be granted for each completion of a Strategic Action Ribbon, while a Combat Action Ribbon will earn two points.
  • Five points will be granted to the player that can prove via Discord that they hit a member of the Bravo Fleet Command staff with a snowball - post a screenshot and tag the person you hit in the #star-trek-online channel. There's a limit of one point award per BFC member hit with snowballs.
  • In game loot can be earned by hunting down and hitting a member of the Bravo Fleet Gaming Office staff with a snowball, after a screenshot is posted and validated. Limit of one item per BF member.



User ID Content Date Entry
Struan MacLeod 2197

User: bri.whyte
STO Character: MacLeod@brianwhyte

2022-01-05 22:39:37 View Image
Niamh O'Donoghue 2340

Daily Event Progress completion.

2021-12-26 11:56:18 View Image
Niamh O'Donoghue 2340

Completed daily event activity via Kramp'lhri, hopefully I'm doing this correctly.

2021-12-23 11:39:08 View Image
Niamh O'Donoghue 2340

Proof of presence at the Winter Wonderland to join the STO Winter Wonderland Competition. Character: Alistair Summers @anikasummers

2021-12-23 11:22:57 View Image
John Doe 2030


2021-12-14 07:42:59 View Image

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