Check out our latest Fleet Action!


World of Warships Action Stations Blitz


Captains! Shine up your caps and get ready to bark orders, it’s time to head out to sea. To celebrate World of Warships being around in Bravo Fleet for a year (give or take, I’m not recording anniversaries around here!) we’re going to be running our first blitz event!


What’s a blitz event? Well, to take advantage of the new policy, it’s running as much content through World of Warships as possible. We haven’t had solo runs of this game ever, so it’s a nice change of pace from the phasers and photons of Star Trek Online.



  • Submit a screenshot of your main screen upon login so we can see everything! This will be your intention to compete in this event.
  • The most points for submitting gaming activities in World of Warships determines the winner.
  • There is no Tier or Tech Tree restriction for this one; use whatever you are most comfortable with.
  • You score one point for every Action Ribbon you are awarded during the competition through the BFMS Gaming Submissions interface.


User ID Date Entry
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-20 21:33:21
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-18 20:05:24
Vausees Vax 2184 2022-09-16 02:39:59
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-15 12:56:22
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-13 17:03:01
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-12 02:58:01
Walter Jones 1659 2022-09-11 04:11:29
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-10 04:23:17
Jackson Porter 2115 2022-09-10 04:23:00

Competition Winners

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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