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Rescued Borg


Years ago, you were assimilated by the Borg. Unable to do anything but the bidding of the Collective, you have no memories of anything other than all the voices. Then, one day, you are sent onto a vessel with mostly Species 5618, or Humans as they call themselves. The battle goes well, but somehow you are incapacitated in the fight.

Realizing that you are a Human, the crew transports you to a nearby starbase with a doctor who removes all of your implants and returns you to your former self, or what’s left of it. You wake up in a medical bay, unaware of what’s going on and what you have done.

This story entry can be about any aspect of this situation or situation going forward. Some examples include: your capture and the ensuing battle, your recovery, your first time meeting your family, etc.


  • Write a story of no more than 2,000 words using one of your characters.
  • Submit your stories through Competition Submissions in BFMS, either as a Word file or directly into the submission box.
  • Stories will be judged based on situational creativity and use of character.


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Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.