Adventures in the Triangle: STO Pirate Gathering


“Take me down to paradise city…”

Paradise City was the only settlement on the planet Nimbus III, located in one corner of the Triangle where Romulan and Federation space meet.  In the century since the Nimbus III colony failed, Paradise City has become home to all manner of criminals.  For this competition, you should assemble your pirate Captain and their bridge crew in Star Trek Online and take a screenshot of them outside Paradise City.


  • Participants should submit a screenshot of their assembled pirate gang.



User ID Content Date Entry
Struan MacLeod 2197

User: bri.whyte

2020-11-20 21:05:20 View Image
Rob Mackenzie 2041

The crew of the Romulan ship Mhihos. The privateer uniforms for STO are all locked away behind pricey bundles, unfortunately, but this one seems to be ready for me at least.

2020-11-15 10:06:49 View Image

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