The Raptor’s Wings: [Week 2] Poetry


Create a humorous Limerick poem about the Romulans. This is pretty open-ended on subject, but it must be Romulan related.


  • All poems should adhere to the Limerick format:
  • All poems will be judged on adherence to the Limerick format, adherence to the subject matter, creativity, and humor.
  • All submissions should be submitted through the Enter Competition form.



User ID Content Date Entry
Jackson Porter 2115

My competition entry - trumpetmaster29

2020-05-22 21:20:48 View Image
Walter Jones 1659

There once was a warbird named Glorious;
Whose crew was among the notorious;
They'd eat and drink;
And go to the brink;
Their battles were never victorious.

2020-05-22 21:20:48
Jonas Flanigan 500

Poetry competition entry for arcticblast

Koleb was from the Romulan Free State
He dated a girl named Kate
She loved his ears
But not his rear
He wasn't hard to irritate

2020-05-22 21:20:48
Acker Kather 763

Capt. Acker Kather, TF93, CO USS Ascension

There once was a Romulan Captain
Who was looking for a little action
He found a Ferengi
Who did the merengue
And it put him in bed in traction

2020-05-22 21:20:48
Nelson Buechner 2097

"The Romulan star popped like a balloon
Making all of Starfleet into a buffoon,
Mars' synths lost their mind
Hurting all of Data's kind,
Turned the whole universe to a typhoon!"

2020-05-22 21:20:48

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