Win the No Win Scenario (Bridge Crew)


Hailing all bridge officers!  Over the course of the next few weeks, Starfleet is pushing a series of battle exercises.  Report to the bridge for your next shift, and the commanding officer will run you through the featured drill.

For today’s drill, surely you all remember taking the Kobayashi Maru as your final exam for Command at Starfleet Academy?  While Starfleet does not officially condone breaking any treaties to cross over into the Neutral Zone, it also values compassion.  For today’s exercise, we will be suspending the requirement to remain on our side of the border and encourage you to cross over and rescue as many survivors as possible off of the Kobayashi Maru.  In order to keep your battle wits sharp, the officer who can withstand the onslaught of endless assault long enough to rescue the most souls will be declared the winner!


  • The submission that shows the most amount of survivors rescued will be declared the winner.
  • The submitted screenshot must fully show the end of mission display stats that show how many survivors were rescued, as well as the mission time.
  • In the event of a tie, the submission that has the shortest play time (and thus was more efficient at collecting that number of survivors) will break the tie.
  • If any of the required information is cut off from view of the screenshot, the submission will be disqualified.


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Office of the Chief of Staff

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