For Cardassia!


In the books and on-screen, Cardassian culture and society is steeped in adherence to the laws set forth by the Obsidian Order and Cardassian Central Command, with propaganda being a huge part of life within the Cardassian Union.

In this contest, you are asked to create such a piece of propaganda in form of a poster. You can choose whatever graphic program you are most comfortable with, but it should convey classical Cardassian values and aesthetics.


  • Submissions must include the image you created and an explanation in the competition text box.
  • Submissions will be judged on adherence to the prompt, creativity, and clarity of explanation. The explanation should be a maximum of 250 words. 



User ID Content Date Entry
Aaslin Braim 1225

Says in Cardassian font: "Want to be a GUL? Enlist today!"
Propaganda released to increase enrollment during the beginning of the Dominion War and Gul Dukat's height of power in creating the Cardassian/Dominion alliance.

2024-10-30 13:21:27 View Image
Solaris McLaren 2854

This is a simple poster, Exclaiming 'Do It For Cardassia', calling for all Cardassians to defend their home planet.

2024-10-30 10:23:43 View Image
Varen Wyll 2419

For this entry, I was influenced by the 1940s & 50's era propaganda posters, particularly the allies' style and form. With bold statements and simplistic designs, these civil defence posters were focused on encouraging safety and security as opposed to the more aggressive (and fairly racist) character assassination posters,

I have always enjoyed the simple aesthetic of these posters and I was strongly influenced by the iconic 'Loose lips sink ships' poster to create something that I feel the union would use in an attempt to create a false rhetoric of paranoid yet heroic defence against the Khitomer powers. Whilst the Cardassian people don't necessarily have the same social ethos as the Western allies of our reality, the concept of being responsible for the safety of your family and the union above all else is core to the Cardassian Identity. Hence “Keep Cardassia safe.”

I believe this paranoia about the Khitomer powers would continue into the post-war period as recognised in both the core canon and our Bravo Fleet canon. I believe as we enter a period in the fleets story where the Union is resurgent in power the concept of civil responsibility for the defence of the homeland is also going to become resurgent.

The most important part of these styles of poster is the clarity of message and use of iconography over text and I have attempted to channel that here with the colour choices and three ear shapes to reflect the three separate powers.

2024-10-29 17:26:51 View Image

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