It’s a Numbers Game


So the shipyards of Bravo Fleet decided it was time to repaint some of our ships and called in several at once. After stripping them down, someone realized that they had forgotten to catalog the ship’s registry numbers.

You will be given a list of 10 ships that are affiliated with Bravo Fleet and can be found on the Wiki pages. A number will be missing from each ship’s registry number. You will need to give me the missing number.

(Ex: NCC-1_01 = 7)

Good luck


  • Entries must be submitted in the competition's Entry Information field.
  • 1 point will be awarded to each correct answer. The player that answers the most correct questions will be confirmed as the winner.
  • This is a timed competition. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by the player who completes their submission in the shortest time, as tracked by BFMS.

Please login to participate in the competition.



User ID Content Date Timer Entry
Cressida Brennan 2765


2024-10-26 19:15:02 3 minutes 20 seconds
Nathan Hawthorne 2199

USS Babylon, NCC-82254
USS Edison, NCC-95160
USS Cheyenne, NCC-71600
USS Falcon, NCC-42047 - Huzzah!
USS Lexington, NCC-73074
USS Paramount, NCC-75570
USS Helios, NCC-63284
USS Galileo, NCC-52001
USS Lakota, NCC-42768
USS Tomcat, NCC-62514

2024-10-25 19:21:36 4 minutes 59 seconds
Sazra Kobahl 2545

USS Babylon, NCC-82254
USS Edison, NCC-95160
USS Cheyenne, NCC-71600
USS Falcon, NCC-42047
USS Lexington, NCC-73074
USS Paramount, NCC-75570
USS Helios, NCC-63284
USS Galileo, NCC-52001
USS Lakota, NCC-42768
USS Tomcat, NCC-62514

2024-10-25 12:47:26 2 minutes 45 seconds
Zarroc Thakrass 2652

USS Babylon, NCC-82254
USS Edison, NCC-95160
USS Cheyenne, NCC-71600
USS Falcon, NCC-42047
USS Lexington, NCC-73074
USS Paramount, NCC-75570
USS Helios, NCC-63284
USS Galileo, NCC-52001
USS Lakota, NCC-42768
USS Tomcat, NCC-62514

2024-10-24 23:47:21 5 minutes 0 seconds
Alaric Constantine 1651

1. NCC-82254
2. NCC-95160
3. NCC-71600
4. NCC-42047
5, NCC- 73074
6. NCC-75570
7. NCC-63284
8. NCC-52001
9. NCC-42768
10. NCC-62514

2024-10-18 05:47:06 3 minutes 11 seconds
Mamof 2848

1) 2
2) 5
3) 0
4) 4
5) 3
6) 7
7) 6
8) 0
9) 8
10) 2

2024-10-16 05:20:58 2 minutes 51 seconds
Th'lora Vehl 2240

1. USS Babylon, NCC-82254
2. USS Edison, NCC-95160
3. USS Cheyenne, NCC-71600
4. USS Falcon, NCC-42047
5. USS Lexington, NCC-73074
6. USS Paramount, NCC-75570
7. USS Helios, NCC-63284
8. USS Galileo, NCC-52001
9. USS Lakota, NCC-42768
10. USS Tomcat, NCC-62514

2024-10-13 13:14:33 3 minutes 53 seconds
Solaris McLaren 2854

1. 2

2. 5

3. 0

4. 4

5. 3

6. 7

7. 6

8. 0

9. 8

10. 2

2024-10-13 04:50:42 5 minutes 32 seconds

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Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.