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Victory Score Competition!! – Star Trek: Infinite (Vanilla – NO MODS)


Greetings fellow members of Bravo Fleet!

As the title of this competition says, this competition is for the Star Trek: Infinite game on Steam! Get the highest victory score within the time frame of the competition. Be sure to submit your screenshots on the last day of the competition so you can use your highest victory score! This Competition will end on Monday, April 9th; so please ensure your screenshots are submitted properly on the last day of the competition using the examples provided below!

Must submit a total of TWO (2) screenshots by the end of the competition that clearly show 1.) the game version on the In-Game Escape Menu, and 2.) your Victory Score at the end of the competition. To get an idea of what we’re looking for, please see the screenshot examples below.

Have Fun!!

Examples of Screenshots:

In-Game Escape Menu

Victory Screen with Galaxy Map


  • Submit a total of TWO (2) screenshots, in-game escape menu and victory score with galaxy map. Submission deadline is Monday, April 9th.
  • Game version MUST be 7c03 with plain white text. If it is any other version and a gold/yellow text, you will be DQ'd.
  • As the criteria above, No Mods. Vanilla Only.
  • Play as any of the Four (4) Major Powers available and choose whatever method you wish to obtain the highest score!
  • The determination of winners will be based solely on the highest victory score.
  • Any ties will be broken based on who submitted first.


User ID Date Entry
Rob Mackenzie 2041 2024-04-07 08:46:01

Competition Winners

Managed By the

Office of the Chief of Staff

This service is managed by the Office of the Chief of Staff. If you have questions about this service, please contact an office staff member.